Thursday, December 27, 2007

I Am (Your Father)

"Many religions invoke God as 'Father.' The deity is often considered the 'father of gods and of men.' In Israel, God is called 'Father' inasmuch as He is Creator of the world. Even more, God is Father because of the covenant and the gift of the law to Israel, 'His first-born son.' God is also called the Father of the king of Israel. Most especially He is the 'Father of the poor,' of the orphaned and the widowed, who are under His loving protection." CCC 238

Admit it. Christianity is a patriarchal faith. Yes, God did create man and woman in His image, but as equals in a complimentary sense rather than as interchangeable. One can simply look to the state of society since children have been robbed of a father figure to recognize that mom, however great she is, was never created to be the sole head of the household (or nation, or Creator of the universe IMHO).

Why then, do some people who recognize the sign of the cross to be "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" be so politically correct when reciting prayers during Mass by removing the male pronouns from prayers and replacing them with asexual references? Can they not accept that while the Church recognizes God as a sexless deity, He remains the Father?

Thanks to the politically correct feminist agenda of making man and woman absolute equals (and often I think they REALLY want to promote the role of womanhood even higher) the Church is now being subjected to the desire to play down God's male image as Father and Protector. Just like the advent of birth control, the push to demote manhood from society will lead to the ultimate downfall of our existence.

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